Brian Seery

The Chinese horoscope of the tiger and me
Have you ever wondered about the Chinese horoscope? The Chinese
horoscope is a Legend that Chinese believe in today, that’s why their New Year is
different from ours. Have you been curious about the whole story on the Chinese horoscope?
Facts like why they chose the 12 animals having a race and why Buddha did the
race. I was born in the year of the tiger and have many traits in common with
the tiger and many, which aren’t. Somethings we both enjoy and some we don't.
I'll be telling you about me being born in the year of the tiger and having the same likes
and dislikes as him.
The properties that the tiger and I both share are being playful because I
play with younger kids if I’m bored and I try to play with people I don’t know.
Often I try to play sports I really enjoy like baseball and soccer; I play others but don’t
enjoy them as much. In a way I am restless because I can’t stop moving around. I have to
have something to do or I’ll become very impatient but it would have to be something I
might like. The tiger and I are both adventurous. Searching for new facts about
myself is what I enjoy doing but if I have problems I get friends to help and I try to
dig deeper in the thing I do.
The characteristics that don’t interact with the tiger and me are that
I’m shy but I’m loud around people I know well. But if there are people I hardly know, I
feel shy. Hiding everything back is probably what I do best. Even if I know an answer I
won’t say a thing unless I’m asked.Being sensitive doesn’t relate with me because I don’t really care what
other people think of me unless it’s real nasty (mean). Reacting faster in what I do is
something I should work on. If someone jokes about me I wouldn’t care unless I’m in a vile
mood. Getting upset because of losing isn’t part of me unless it’s something real
important. Have a big ego is not what I have because I don’t think highly about
myself or other people unless they were mean to me and then I would compare them with
other people.
Surprisingly when being asked if I could change anything about myself
because I always thought I was a normal person but now when I look around I see that
many people are different. I would like to change being shy because in class
everyone’s shooting questions and answers back and forth but I feel weird sitting by myself
while everyone else is talking. Being rebellious is something I wish could be a feature of me. I’ve
noticed while writing this being shy is usually a reason why I don’t do something.
Well anyway I usually give up if something is too hard or if I need
more help, I would only keep trying if I liked it.
I get convinced really easily and I don’t usually work anything out my
self-but sometimes I do. Also I would like to be more intense so I can concentrate harder and
work harder and be more serious.
Truly I am amazed in how many differences there are between the tiger
and me. But I think I still am on the other side of a tiger. Still I don’t
understand why the Chinese New Year is later than ours and why the stories go like that but I’m going
to try and achieve some of the attributes that could help me do better anywhere.